
Course categoryLeadership and Management

Coaction is an initiative striving to engage the Scottish public-sector community to Coact, Collaborate, Codeliver... across people development and organisational development activities.

Coaction 2019 launched on 22 August 2019 at Glasgow Caledonian University, engaging 56 people from 22 organisations.

One of the first objectives is to scope a national roadmap of current and future delivery, allowing our Scottish public-sector community to coact and coproduce.


Course categoryLeadership and Management


Chartered Management Institute

Course categoryCMI Leadership and Management programmes

cmiWelcome to the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) area of our learning provision on Moodle. We partner with CMI and licence professional development content from CMI which you can access from the Management Direct Learning Platform.

What's on Scotland Excel's Moodle?

Our Moodle area will be where you access the additional learning content, discussion boards and any other learner interaction during the pilot period.

We aim to bring the community of CMI learners in our Local Authorities together to discuss practice, share learning and practical experience. 

Discussion Boards

We will be scheduling fortnightly discussion in the first month of the pilot and working with you to generate discussion ideas from your learning experience.

Leadership and Management - Flexible Schedule - Cycle#1

Course categoryCMI Leadership and Management programmes

This flexible schedule allows learners to engage one unit at a time in a flexible ad-hoc manner, accruing credits over a maximum period of 2 years whilst working towards professional certificate and diploma qualifications. 8 HND (SCQF8) units and 3 Degree (SCQF9) units are currently available from the Academy.

Leadership and Management - Level 5 Diploma - Cohort#5

Course categoryLevel 5

The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Level 5 diploma in Management and Leadership is aimed at practising managers and those aspiring managers who want to develop their core management skills such as leadership and decision making, project development & control and managing team & individual performance. 

The diploma is accredited by CMI and is delivered through a Work Based Learning methodology supported by our Moodle digital platform, the Scotland Excel Academy.

The Academy provides the opportunity for interactive learning to enhance and streamline the learner’s experience.

These qualifications focus on the personal development of the individual learner’s management capabilities and competencies.

 A Diploma in Management and Leadership is the benchmark qualification towards full CMI membership.

Facilitator: Ian McNaught