Enrolment options

Demand Management


With local authorities under increasing pressure, demand management represents a significant untapped opportunity for achieving savings and better value for money. However, managing the demand for goods and services, rather than simply seeking to obtain them at the best possible price, often requires a culture change which can be challenging to achieve in practice.

This interactive workshop will explore the concept of demand management, draw out the barriers to it and look at the practical steps organisations can take to embed it in the way they commission, procure and manage contracts.

Aim and objectives

  • Explore and come to a common understanding of what demand management means and how it can be applied in a procurement context

  • Identify the barriers to effective demand management and develop ideas for how they can be overcome

  • Learn about good practice in demand management in a procurement context

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is focused on staff in corporate procurement, commissioning and service teams who have responsibility for developing strategies, designing specifications and managing contracts.

All members of the wider procurement network are encouraged and welcome, as this will provide diversity in perspectives and discussion on the day.

What will I get out of it?

  • Deeper understanding of the concept of demand management and what it means in a procurement context

  • Chance to share experiences and learn from others

  • Ideas to take back to your organisations to embed demand management

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