Stay Connected : Our 2024 series of free* workshops.

Our series of free one hour workshops provide brief but insightful introductions to key subject areas across the academy including Procurement, Project Management, Business Analysis and Coaching and Mentoring. 
Below are details of our current planned Stay Connected workshops:




Tutor / Resource

5 June 2024Contract and Supplier Management (60 mins)
Introduction to Contract and Supplier Management and what should be considered.
10am-11 amAileen Toland

19 June 2024

AI…The Future of Procurement & The Procurement of the Future (90 mins)

In this session we’ll focus on defining Artificial Intelligence technologies and their potential as procurement tools. We’ll also discuss the use of Generative AI by suppliers, but perhaps most importantly we’ll assess the opportunities and threats when procuring solutions containing these technologies. While AI’s potential for enhancing procurement outcomes is vast, the challenges of mitigating any negative consequences are also considerable.


Phil Kinnell

3 July 2024
Introduction to Public Sector Procurement (60 mins)
Introduction to Public Sector Procurement and what should be considered.

Aileen Toland

21 August 2024

Overview of the Concession Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016 (60 mins)

With the continuing pressure on budgets contracting authorities are wise to look at alternative funding routes for projects…in some cases letting concession contracts may be an efficient and effective way of delivering works and service contracts outwith our normal budgets. This session will define concessions and use both legislation and legal case studies to provide an understanding of the legislative parameters that must be factored in when considering this option.


Phil Kinnell

* These sessions are only available to members or associate members of Scotland Excel. 

You can self-register for these sessions On Eventbrite here.

Stay Connected Video Library
Our video library contains a series of workshops and courses delivered by our team of Academy tutors - available free  for you to access anytime. 
We continue to add new content to the library  to ensure you have access to the latest tools and techniques to support your development - whether you are studying with the Academy or just looking to learn new skills. 
Please contact us by emailing if you would like any further information regarding the accredited and non accredited programmes we run.

Click on the links below to access video recordings of the workshops:

Scottish Public Procurement Rules - The Basics

Contracting - The Basics

Contract Management - The Fundamentals

Negotiation Skills - The Basics

Specification Writing - The Basics

Options for Urgent Procurements

Managing Stakeholders

Introduction to Leadership

Coacting - A Viable Way Forward

How Do We Do More With Less?

Information Based Decision Making

Personal Development and Self-Determination

Organisational Learning – Enabling Performance and Long-Term Success

Optimising Our Innovative Work Behaviours

Coaching and Mentoring

Project Management Fundamentals

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 May 2024, 12:16 PM